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The Solid Sound Collective

The Action Art Collaborative is commissioning new and original music that explores social and economic justice in St. Louis, fostering connections between two vibrant communities in St. Louis:

the music scene and the social and economic justice movement.


The power of music

Building hope
and community

Our next project encourage social change by utilizing the power of music to inspire, inform, and connect. 


We are uplifting the work of musicians, composers, and music producers who embrace their roles as change agents, offering artists and audiences the a chance to support the local movement 

for a more just St. Louis.

The Collective

We are in partnership with a virtuostic group of St. Louis musicians, composers, and music producers, spanning the genres of blues, soul, funk, rock, jazz and hip hop. The commonality is their dedication to social justice and their belief in St. Louis. 

Coming June 2024

Subscribe to our email list to be the first to learn more about

the Solid Sound Collective concert this June. 

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